View Menu
This command shows a map of the galaxy. Icons on the map represent various worlds and fleets. Each world has a different icon depending on its class. In addition, the type of the world is represented by a symbol in the lower-right corner of the icon. Objects that belong to your empire are white. Enemy objects are depicted in red.
Use the mouse to select worlds and fleets on the map. Information for the selected object will appear on the left-hand close-up pane. Hover over the edges of the map to scroll in the desired direction.
Use the arrow keys to move the selection from sector to sector. Use the space bar to select different objects in the same sector (for example, if a sector has two fleets and a world, the space bar will select each of the three objects in turn). The [Home] key always selects the capital of your empire.
Once an object is selected you can issue orders to it through the menu. For example, you can select a fleet and then choose Fleet/Set Destination to order the fleet to move to some other world.
World Status
This command shows a split-screen list of all worlds and starbases known to you. The top of the screen shows basic industrial information. The bottom of the screen shows military information.
T is the type of world.
C is the class of the world.
TL is the tech level of the world.
POP is the population of the world (in billions).
EFF is the efficiency of the world.
A indicates whether the world is addicted to ambrosia.
IMPRT and EXPRT indicate the ISSP setting for the world (i.e., the materials that it imports or exports)
REV is the revolution index of the world.
Use the mouse to select a world. Information for the selected world will appear on the left-hand close-up pane.
Fleet Status
This command shows a split-screen list of all fleets known to you. The top of the screen shows basic positional and course information. The bottom of the screen shows the composition of each fleet.
This command shows the current state of the empire and includes all of the newsworthy events that occurred the previous year.
Empire Status
This command shows aggregated statistics for all empires known to you.
TL is the tech level of the empire.
WRLDS is the number of worlds in the empire.
IND is a measure of the industrial capacity of the empire (the higher the better).
POP is the total population of the empire (in billions).
Show Close Up
Toggles the left-hand close-up pane to show basic information about the selected object.
Show Production
Toggles the right-hand close-up pane to show production information about the selected object. Note that if the selected object does not belong to the empire or if the selected object does not produce resources then this command is not available.