Ore Smelters & Fuel Makers Pack 1.0

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This mod adds 6 new devices to the game. Three Ore Smelters, which convert ore into Ingots depending on level and Three Fuel Makers that can convert ore & ingots into Fuel rods. The Fuel Maker Mark II can also convert Helium 3 Fuel Rods into Reactor Assemblies.

Ingots are 1/4th the weight of ore and somewhat more valuable and can be sold where ore can be sold. Tinkers and the Fabricators do not use Ingots.

http://xelerus.de/index.php?s=mod&id=1063 Download and Rate Now!
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1 Ore = 1 Ingot
1 Helium Regolith = 4 Helium Fuel Rods
4 Helium Fuel Rods = 1 Helium Reactor Assembly
1 All other Fuel Ores = 2 Fuel Rods
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Militia Lieutenant
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I'm using this pack, and it works really well for me. Interesting mod, looking forward to your next project.

“Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (Modders) believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.” -Scott Adams

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After extensive playtesting, this has to be one of the most fun-enhancing mods I've used so far (and I've tried most of the mods on Xelerus at one point).

I like it so much, in fact, that I've made a custom version of this mod, to be released this weekend with the blessing of TranscendentGeek (aka jamieboy). The additions/alterations:

- SiaFu's "Stellifer Labs" graphics for the ore images in the in-game menus; also adds these images to the ingots created by the Ore Smelter devices. This part of the mod overwrites the vanilla ores. I've added a few new image edits of my own, as well, so every ore is visually distinct.
NOTE: This is an optional, forked version that is not installed by default but will be included in the download. Think it might conflict with other mods? No problem.
- Slight tweaking/rebalancing of the refinery devices, including their weight.
- Spelling, grammar, capitalization and item descriptions altered to be more in line with the vanilla game.
- Changed the ingots'
- Added the Nuclear/Armor/ZeroPoint etc attributes that vanilla ores have to the ingot versions. Also added an "OohShiny" attribute to platinum/gold ore & ingots; this is to ensure forward compatibility with one of my mod projects.
- Added the "ore" attribute to all refined ingots. This means that you can sell more of them at stations with a marketplace. This also makes sure the new version of this mod does not get broken by PM's "stations always pay full price" mod.
- Added the "ingot" attribute to all of the refined ingot items. This currently does nothing, but can be used by players and modders to affect ingots specifically (for example, by controlling where they are sold/bought and for how much).
- Extensive readme.txt file, written by me. Installation instructions, background information on the devices and changelog. Especially useful: price comparison for all ores/ingots per unit and per ton of cargo space -- both in credits AND in rins. Oh yeah.

Soon, my darlings! The original creator has okayed all the changes I've made, and I'm working on enhancing the add-ons/mods of others with custom new graphics (mostly edits/recolors for now).

“Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (Modders) believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.” -Scott Adams

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The new ore graphics are done. I took the basic images from SiaFu's StelliFer Labs item images update. All that remains is to add them to a new .XML file. These new ore graphics will also be released as a stand-alone extension and as part of the "Mining Pack" that TranscendentGeek (aka jamieboy) and I are collaborating on.

The non-fictional ores have been edited be more in line with they look like in real life. The fictional ones have instead been modified to appear similar to their new armor graphics in StelliFer labs.

Also in the works: a visual upgrade pack for the other trade goods in the game, partially based on SiaFu's work with lots of new additions, edits and recolors. No longer will common trade goods, chemical resources, fuel rods, barrels of foodstuffs, luxury goods, medical supplies, black market drugs, Commonwealth medals and ringer gems be one big mess of similar-looking items. :)

The standalone new ore graphics and my updates to the fuel maker/ore smelter mods that TG made will be uploaded to Xelerus.de very soon. Just have to get the XML files in order. You'll also be seeing the new ore graphics pop up in RPC's Sandbox eventually.
New ore graphics.
New ore graphics.
SFi_WTS_ore_v1.png (243.14 KiB) Viewed 3937 times

“Normal people believe that if it ain't broke, don't fix it. (Modders) believe that if it ain't broke, it doesn't have enough features yet.” -Scott Adams

Resident mod-cobbler-together, freakspawn-fixer-upper & musical eclectro-ecumenologist.
If you love something, tweak it and twist it. Keep bending it until it breaks. Rip it apart, remix it, rebuild it. Kill your darlings and stitch them together again.

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