Pirate Gaiden--A Backstory from THE MOTIVATION

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There was nothing special about Wade. He was a normal 18yr old pirate. As all of his kind, he didn't have the luxury of a surname. He didn't own any connection to his father, or grandfather, except in the minds of his counterparts. Wade was a typical pirate kid. With just primary education, he was engaged in mastering the ways of the skies, or rather the ways of the void. After "graduating" from the pirate school; which involved brutal hand to hand combat, dirty flying tactics, and reckless attack trainings; he got his first ship. A Corsair. Corsairs happened to be easy to make, cheap to purchase, and could take a shot and give one in return before dying. Pirates thought them to be perfect for newbies. They couldn't afford to waste money on newbies and buy them the more aggressive ships. The Corsair's main strength wasn't its firepower (just a lazer cannon, duh), but depended in vast numbers. A single Corsair is fodder, but say that to a swarm and you won't survive to tell the tale. They had paper armour, but it was light. Corsairs were fast. Their speed matched only by the rate of fire of their laser cannons. It could shred a small craft to spacedust in a matter of seconds. As Corsairs lacked shields, fuel consumption was also low. So back to Wade. His Corsair was just another ship in the pirate fleet, but he still loved it. Because, whatever the case, it was HIS ship. Wade was an orphan. His parents had died in a duel with the CW. A militia ship had raided a Cache, killing them instantly. It was common in the Fortress, to lose one's parents. There were only 2 guys with parents in their batch, 2 in 36. Still, Wade made the most of his life. Pirate training had made him cold. But he still was a human. He killed his victims in cold blood, but was sure to offer a prayer later. Wade wasn't religious. He blamed God, if any, for the miserable life he had got. "It wasn't my choice to be born a pirate", he repeatedly told himself, "but its who I am. And I must live like that till someone fucks me up." Wade's batch, batch 6A, was not the best in history, but was still good. The pirates seldom saw that good fliers land in their ranks, and they were still just kids. They were sure to make the most of them.

"Attention 6A suckers! You twits seem to have gotten yourself some real mission" boomed the announcement over the heads of the new "cadets" as they ate their rather simple lunch, tucked in the bowels of the Pirate Stronghold, just two systems behing Rigel. They were unaffected. The "realio trulo" missions they received mostly involved killing stray autons or examining stray debris. "And it ain't garbage collection!" added the announcement. That put some life in our batch. "Aah! Atlast! Its about time we killed somebody", said Raul, another esign in the batch. "@#$! you Raul. What I was thinking was that atleast we get to fire our lasers. Mine's accelerator has ice all over it!" replied Andras, Raul's bff. "Will you two jerks ever shut up?" replied Wade, "I'm trying to listen!"
"Your mission is to intercept an mining vessel. A Borer. Its confirmed to be carrying ore. Go bring those rocks, and maybe we can make some more paper armour for fodder like you!"
"Alright team! Spacebourne in 5min!" cried Raul.
"Who the hell made you the leader?" replied one of the team.
"I did", replied a coarse voice from behind, "and whoever has a problem can piss their panties off"
Everyone turned to find a bald man standing behind them. He had deep set eyes, that swelled out with experience. Anyway, he piloted a frigate, and that was an authority enough.
"Yes Cap'n Sir!" cried the team together. "Your 5min are long past Raul", said the man, "You better hurry."
"Its time to hustle!" Raul roared "Change your underwear before its too late!"
"Whats that got to do with it?" asked Wade.
"You'll see", said the old pirate, in a grim voice.
Last edited by TheLoneWolf on Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:09 am, edited 1 time in total.
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THE 15 ships of flight 6A had formed up in an inorderly formation. 15 was all that was left of the original 36 recruits. Pirates trained hard. And many failed their training. Broke down from the exhaustation, or blasted to spacedust as part of training. Flight 6A had one thing in mind. To intercept the Borer I mining vessel in the nearby asteroid belt, and steal its cargo. There were going to be no hostages. Or survivors. "Form up on my wi...WADE! What the @#$! do you think you are doing? Anton made ME the leader, not you!" cried Raul through the transmitter at the now distant Wade, who had broken from the so called formation together with 5 more pirates, and was heading to the green blip on his map. "So long Raul!" said Wade. "Oh that sucker", murmured Raul, "alright twits! You wouldn't want Wade getting all the goodies, will you?" And with this team Raul also accelerated towards the target.

Wade had nearly reached the target with his band of Corsairs. Raul was not far behind too. Wade and Raul were old foes, be it the bowls of Centuri Rice, or the high score in the simulator. And now it was the first mission. Raul would not tolerate Wade pulling something off and rising to a heigher rank before him. He couldn't let this happen. He would kill if he had to.

THE Borer was an old mining vessel. It was piloted by James Jayridge, an old hand at the cockpit and experienced miner.
"Crew, report status" he boomed into the cockpit.
"Engines at 80%"
"Armour at 100%"
"Cargo hold at 78%"
"Mining Lazer ready"
"Alright then!" he boomed again, "Jus one more asteroid before we head back!"
He then hit the fire button. A long beam of lazer, shing in hues of green, erupted from the Lazer cannon at the head of the vessel. It bore through the huge asteroid to its front, making the metallic chunks of ore ooze out as debris.
"We got a big one. Commence collection!"
James flew the vessel adjacent to the ore, and opened the airlock. Long, hook like, metallic arms extended and slowly pulled the ore inside.
"Cargo hold at 96%"
"Alright" cried the captain "Playtime's over! Lets head home!"
Then began their trek home. It was supposed to be a 6hr journey.
"Thrusting vessel forward."
James slowly accelerated to 100%. Even then it was sluggish. But then they had gotten a good haul this time. Over 18 tonnes of plasteel ore, and even some Helium Regolith. They were going to be rich. James mentally calculated the profit. It overwhelmed even him. The crew started daydreaming of all the drinks they would buy, all the luxuries they would afford, not to mention all them hookers. In their daydreams, they didn't notice all those red blips that had appeared on the radar. 6 to be exact. Their Hammerhead escorts noticed though.
"Mining vessel Sphynx, we have six enemy ships inbound. CODE YELLOW!" cried the transmissions from the two Hammerhead gunships. They hadn't got any shields, but had Plasteel armour. Moreover, they were equipped with Recoilless cannons.

James manuvered his ship face to face with the approaching enemies. To his experienced eyes, the small flecks of metal meant something, and that ain't something good.
"Corsairs..." he muttered "Escort flight 4, we are ready to fight with you. There is no way we can escape these pirates in an overburdened cock!"
And with this, the three ships got ready for the fight that was coming to them.

"THEY have escorts?" Wade spat out "I thought it was just a Borer!"
"We are still more than capable to beat them Wade..." said Nicol, just behind Wade's Corsair. Anyway, she was worried as well. Hammerheads, though slow, had enough firepower to make spacedust out of a Corsair in a matter of minutes. Recoilless cannons couldn't be underestimated. At a distance, they had nothing. But at close quarters, those slugs showed their true power. And the formation of the enemy, two Hammers on a Borer's wing, was a versatile one. The Mining lazer cannon could pick enemies off at a distance, while the Hammers dealt with the rest. One shot from that lazer was enough to kill the paper armour of a Corsair. But Corsairs were fast, and the lazer cannons had some range. They had the numbers, but no experience. But still, they had this chance to prove themselves. And they will.

"Showtime guys!" cried Wade as the enemy came into range. The Corsairs began to fire. 6 ships repeatedly firing light red elongated beams of light.

James' face grew tense as his ship received fire. Borers had good armour. "It was just a scratch" he repeatedly told himself "Here they come...to die!" James opened fire as Corsairs came into range. The long beam of lazer shot out and instantly a red blip vanished, and two others were hit. The Hammes made sure that one other blip vanished as well.
"DARN YOU!" yelled Wade at the Hammers, and concentrated his fire on one. But his shots hardly passed the slugs. Everything happened very fast afterwards. He got hit. Was knocked out cold...


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Now that my friend, was an interesting fight.
I had actually underestimated Hammerheads a lot... until I strapped myself into Wade's seat and tried fighting one.

Fantastic stuff... I'm burning to see what happens to him.
"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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MikeAngora wrote:Now that my friend, was an interesting fight.
I had actually underestimated Hammerheads a lot... until I strapped myself into Wade's seat and tried fighting one.

Fantastic stuff... I'm burning to see what happens to him.
Hammerheads are actually bulky and super powerful Hornets. They are small, can take some damage, and hit hard. Moreover their small size makes em a difficult to hit target.

And you forgot to say the critique. Let me help you by accepting that my narration/dialogue suck. Don't worry! I'm working on that! This fanfic will bring much of a backstory to THE MOTIVATION, plus a sneak peak into the lives of pirates. There is a brief encounter with a major character of THE MOTIVATION too ;)
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That was a good story, while some word or some point should be fixed. Keep on writing so I can inspired, hehehe... ;-)
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"Its over"
James' words boomed over the transmitters.
The escorts added their say.
One could spy a lone Borer, with two escort Hammerheads, standing in the middle of sullen lifeless wrecks. Wrecks of pirate ships. Wrecks of Corsairs.
"Mining vessel Sphynx", an escort said, "I see an almost complete wreck over there. It would be wise to salvage it for resources. God knows how much I'm in need of armour patches!"
"Roger that. I see it too. Preparing to salvage. Standby..." James replied back.
The Borer slowly moved adjacent to a single Corsair. Only its lazer canon had erupted, leaving the other parts almost intact.
"Opening hatch..."
As before, hook like mechanical arms extended from the cargo hold, pulling the small one man vessel inside.
"Cargo bay 98% sir" a crew member added.
"Hmmm..." growled James "I'm going in with a blowtorch. Weber, you hold the ship steady."
With a nod of approval, James headed towards the cargo bay. A little trekking through the ores, and he found himself face to face with the Corsair. He boarded the ship and began to cut segaments of the armour. After collecting it all, he prepared to leave.
"What the hell?! Who's there?" James responded quickly to the sound, and drew his pistol.
"Damn! A pirate is alive in there! Filthy space roaches! They just don't give in!" James cursed.
He headed inside the vessel again, towards the cockpit. There, he found the roof collapsed upon..."A boy?" James' eyes lit up!
It was Wade.

Raul was heading towards the target site, slowly, in a closely packed formation. He found his targets ready for him. Together...with wrecks of 4 Corsairs.

James' com channel lit up.
"James cap'n! Its Weber! We have detected a larger hoarde of Corsairs heading our way! Seems like these were only a small hunting party! We can count bout' 10 Corsairs!"
James was aghast! This made him want to pull the trigger at Wade even more.
"I...I can't" James broke down. He had not hesitated to fill a Centuri's head full of lead a while ago. But, somehow, he couldn't come up with the courage to shoot this pirate boy.
"Here, boy. Don't move. I'll help you!" James let his feelings in. He was a human. James pulled out the extremely hurt Wade out of the debris, into the cargo hold. Wade was unconcious, and bleeding freely. James found a vitality tank, and soon Wade was floating in a crystal clear liquid, his wounds slowly healing. With this, James decided to change his blood soaked shirt, and then headed back to the cockpit.

Raul was angry. Very very angry. But satisfied aswell.
"Suits Wade right!" he spat. Shani sniggered.
"Lets show them guys!" Raul shouted!

"Escorts, are you ready? Enemy is upon us, and it ain't a piece of cake. These guys are in a formation. Lets modify ours aswell. Form up at my head and tail. Firing orders remain the same. I disperse, you pick them off. Bytheway, how are the upgrades working?" James said in the transmitter.
"Sphynx, the upgrades are working just fine. Its paper, but it will hold alright", an escort captain responded.
James had put the armour extracted from the Corsair OVER the existing armour of the Hammerheads! This decreased their speed, but increased their defence.
"Ready?!" James said.

Raul found the appearance of the Hammerheads strange. It looked like someone had thrown clay at them, and then compressed it at the helm of the ship. Still, Raul had orders. It was either him or them.

A segmented green lazer beam erupted from the Borer. A red flick instantly vanished. About six metal slugs later, two more red flicks were gone. Now the fight was upto the Hammerheads. The Borer was doing what she could do, but the enemies were now dogfighting around her, not in front of her. All James could do was watch the ship receive fire, and occasionally shoot at a nearby ship.
The Hammerheads had the upperhand. The strategy had worked. They had survived the original volley because of the upgrade. Now, the armour was slowly shreading to pieces, faced with Corsair's lazers. But because of this, they were slowly returning to their original speed. For the Corsairs, their enemy was getting faster with each shot. The blips had been reduced to 4. But a Hammerhead was also lost. Thankfully he had ejected to the Borer. Now it was a 1 vs. 3 match. A green lazer beam later, it was just a duel, a 1 vs. 1. Shani was paralyzed with fear as his ship was hit with the lazer. He ceased to be a mortal seconds later. It was now just Raul and that escort. All the modified armour was gone.
"@#$! YOU!" Raul cried.
"Tch" the escort said to himself.
10 lazers were fired. 6 slugs were fired...

The Hammerhead won...

"Way to go!" James cried!

But then suddenly a volley of green lazers landed on the Hammerhead, and it exploded. No pods detected.

"WHAT?" James was aghast.
They were turbolazers. And a whitish ship was soon approaching the scene...

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DigaRW wrote:That was a good story, while some word or some point should be fixed. Keep on writing so I can inspired, hehehe... ;-)
Yup Diga, I need massive improvements! There you go, I posted chapter 2
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Hahaha mods did their job! I didn't write those @#$s! I wrote their expanded form haha!
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Damn, I just so, oh so love the way you write your fights. I actually bloody feel like I'm sitting on a nearby asteroid watching this.
(BTW I've tried to simulate this fight in the game as a borer and actually ended up killing five corsairs easily but the shielded Corsair II was a tougher nut to crack- they killed me) 8-)
"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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MikeAngora wrote:Damn, I just so, oh so love the way you write your fights. I actually bloody feel like I'm sitting on a nearby asteroid watching this.
(BTW I've tried to simulate this fight in the game as a borer and actually ended up killing five corsairs easily but the shielded Corsair II was a tougher nut to crack- they killed me) 8-)
Thats why I didn't spawn a Corsair II :D Coz it would pwn the whole team haha! I'm sure that the next chapter is going to shock your asses off!

And I like the way you do you narratives and storytelling Mike ;)
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THE Viking gunship flew through the cloud of dust, what was left of a Hammerhead living in all its glory. The Viking hovered around the battlefield. The Sphynx crew dared contact them.
"What do you want?" James spat out.
"We don't want anything from your lousy spaceslug! I'm in a good mood today, so I'll let your piece of junk fly away! No f@%$ off!" the Viking captain declared with an authoritative voice.
"Tch. Alright..." James replied and slowly turned his ship away.

The Viking continued to hover around the battlefield, till it found what it wanted. A horrible smile slit across the captain's face, as he docked with the wreck of a Corsair. Raul's Corsair.
The captain laughed maniacally as the lifted the barely alive mess that Raul was back into the ship, right into a vitality tank. The greenish liquid of the tank embraced Raul's wounds feverishly, frothing all over him.
"You Raul" the captain removed his visor, clearly being the old pirate from before, "YOU PASS!"
The captain continued...
"'I...I passed!'" Raul thought silently to himself.
"'And...Wade...'" Another horrible smile, "'He...FAILED!'"
Raul knocked himself unconscious laughing inside the vitality tank.

Hundreds of miles ago, Wade woke up with a start. James was ready to receive him. The liquid drained. The tank opened. Wade fell down in James' arms, conscious, but weak.
"Who...who are you?" Wade muttered.
"Hush kid... Don't try to do anything just yet..." James muttered, lovingly, back.
"Ngh...So thats what hum...humanity is..." Wade forcibly muttered "I tried to...to...kill you...and you...you saved me in re...return..."
James was silent. He just embraced the boy in his arms.
"I...I don't know how to...how to thank you sir..." Wade was losing consciousness by the minute.
James embraced the boy even more tightly.
Wade finally lost consciousness.
"'Poor boy... How the pirates have oppressed him? No! I will give him his life back! I will! I swear!'" James thought to himself.


JAMES stood at the bow of his Borer II class mining vessel. His hair, now turned grey from all the time he had lived aboard his ships, were pressed against his head as always.
"Crew check in!" He boomed into the microphone, his voice as bold as ever.
"Engines @ full capacity."
"Shields @ 100%"
"Cargo Bay empty"
Weber approached James, his eyes shining the same way they had shone at that fateful day 3yrs ago.
"What bout them escorts cap'n?"
James gave a light smile.
"Escort, you alive and kicking, or what?"
Suddenly a Freyr appeared at the ship's helm.
"Alive an kicking, father!" a jubilant and enthusiastic voice replied.
"Stay put there, Wade!" James replied back, and gave an appreciative smile.
"Let's go, son..."

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A very long Poem by Raul

It was meant to be an ordinary mission...
A simple task to do...
But for us it was a special commission...
For we had too much to prove...

The reckless Wade broke off formation...
A hero he wanted to be...
He thought he ruled the situation...
He thought he could beat me...

The Borer was a formidable foe...
Like a farmer with a pitch-fork...
The hammerheads we did not know...
Were flying with him as es-corts...

I died a very shameful death...
With no honor, nor shame, nor class...
For it wasn't a Phobos or an Aquila...
It was a Hammerhead that kicked my ass...

A Poem by Raul... a few moments before he was picked up by a Viking.
"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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By God Mike! Roflmao! That was just a freakin awesome poem! Especially the end! Who are ye? Art ye a literature king? Or art thou a lover of transcendence?
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TheLoneWolf wrote:By God Mike! Roflmao! That was just a freakin awesome poem! Especially the end! Who are ye? Art ye a literature king? Or art thou a lover of transcendence?
Literature? LOL no, I'm a Psychologist. The answer is the latter- I am a lover of Transcendence. I've been playing this since .99 version.
I thought it would be interesting to write a little poem as tribute to Raul- he seems like a nice guy.
"Umm, I'm sorry I just killed your officer Akira, but he was getting on my nerves''
"Can I take his ship now?"

Calvin E. Taylor to Akira Gorbachev, the daughter of Ares Chief Admiral Vasily Gorbachev, after brutally killing one of her Tundra pilots.
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MikeAngora wrote:
TheLoneWolf wrote:By God Mike! Roflmao! That was just a freakin awesome poem! Especially the end! Who are ye? Art ye a literature king? Or art thou a lover of transcendence?
Literature? LOL no, I'm a Psychologist. The answer is the latter- I am a lover of Transcendence. I've been playing this since .99 version.
I thought it would be interesting to write a little poem as tribute to Raul- he seems like a nice guy.
Damn haha! You are just a version before me. I started at 1.0x. Nice job. Dealing with them everyday haha! You are sure to witness Raul's "kindness" pretty soon! And when is the next chapter of TM coming?
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